About Practice & Lifestyle


Spiritual Practice

For Tha Soil is a “New” Spiritual Practice for Descendants of African, Indigenous & Aboriginal Bloodlines. It Is a Matrilineal Lyfestyle non-inclusive to supporters &/or neutral parties of Oppression(s) such as:

Patriarchy, transphobia, misogynoir, homophobia, fatphobia, ablism, white supremacy, xenophobia, etc..

Spiritual Lifestyle’s Principals & Purpose

For The Soil is an Earth based Spiritual Practice, which combines Mindfulness of Karma with Ancestral Veneration, Reverence of the 5 elements, Political Education, & Honor of the Goddesses & Gods that align with individual practitioners respectively. For Tha Soil also exists as an open spiritual lifestyle that invites people belonging to African Diasporic, Indigenous, and POC communities to continue evolving through ethical, heart based political positions, & collective, eco mindful life choices.

We Believe

Everyone has ancestors looking out for their highest good, and maybe some ancestors who do not. Using the ancestors who have our highest good in mind as a passage for communication, filtration and connection to the spirit realm is the most powerful, protected, and heart-based path into accepting the seen and unseen around us.

The ancestors are sacred protectors whom we are to love, care for and listen to. They have wisdom beyond our human capabilities of knowing and we should thank them with gifts and offerings, as we should all beings we love (Spiritually & Spiriophysically) in the spirit of thoughtfulness, reciprocity, and gratitude for our relationships.

Spiriophysical Definition: The physical state of the human body, which is inherently spiritual as our spirits literally activate and generate life for our human vessels.

We Agree

Increased political and spiritual awareness combined can catapult human consciousness mentally, spiritually and physically. Learning the ways structures & systems of the westernized world continuously disillusion, gaslight, misinform and traumatized us in attempts to separate humans from vast socio-physical expansion, helps to uncloud our judgment, dispel our fears, heal our wounds, and open us up to positive Spiriophysical connections. Through our necessary collective spiritual and political growth we strengthen our abilities to extend compassion, understanding & respect to one another as well as our abilities to advocate, cultivate, create and care for ourselves.

We Believe

In the power that is the Spirits of the 4 corners, and 5 elements. They are nuanced, sacred, and apart of the ONE consciousness, as we all are.

Five elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Plasma

We Agree

Karma is universal law. The vibrations of energy we release through our thoughts, actions and energy will be repaid to us in one way, or another.

Spiritual Practitioner 

Welcome! My Name is Enlylh Samone (They/he/she) and I am the curator and spiritual practitioner behind ForThaSoil.

Eye Started ForThaSoil.Org to provide support for a range of folks who are journeying with spirituality, politics, ethics, action, love, decolonization, mental or emotional healing and ultimately build a healing hub. Here we present ethical spiritual pathways which help to strengthen our sense of comfort, clarity and connection on earth. ForThaSoil provides tools for spiritual practitioners to strengthen the karmic wealth of familial bloodlines, pay spiritual debts in physical time, & simultaneously nurture stronger interpersonal relationships to the Spirit world and Ourselves.

About Me:

Eye Am a Shadow worker, Root worker, Master Diviner, Spirit Medium, Dark Divine Realm Traveler & Black Witch. Eye owe all of my life’s accomplishments to magic. Eye’ve actualized countless sources of income, opportunities, aligned human connections and safe spaces since childhood because along with my manifestation and conjure work, I always uphold my end of the bargain with the Universe. I am an Abolitionist, Anti-capitalist, Farmer, Herbalist, Dancer, Mixed Media Artist, Environmentalist, & Spelman Alum.

Here on ForThaSoil’s Spiritual Hub Eye exchange with, hold space for and train other spiritually inclined earth keepers to help BIPOC folks access the beauty, strength and comfort available in this life when upkeeping Spiritual Hygiene!

Spiritual Pledge:

~Much Gratitude to Mother Earth & Most High.

Eye have Pledged This Life to the Mother Goddess, Mama Moja, Yemoja, Papa, Akna, Alawuala, Bildjiwuaroju, Mother Nature- She Who is Called by Many Names. May My Footsteps Create and be in Collective Consciousness with the Existing Energetic Ripples working to Protect & Live in Partnership with the Earth!

Note: Black Witch is a term Eye use to re-empowerment and destigmatization common perceptions of both blackness and witchcraft. The Title is an ode to the darkness all beings must exist in, &/or travel through to find peace within the darkest aspects of our beings, histories, karmic wealth and karmic debts. In This Galaxy, The Darkness is inherent & Light is Creation. Balance and Spiritual Strength prompts us to travel the entire spectrum from Light to Dark, as opposed to trying to exist perfectly in the middle of the scale. My Mission is to reclaim and re-empower the human relationship to blackness on a multitude of levels by contributing to ongoing conversations regarding the poison of the negative connotation(s) attached to the concept of blackness. Similar to the abundance of possibilities in the ethers, there is an abundance of possibilities & histories yet to be unlocked within the Black Human Vessel, the first human vessel to inhabit the earth. We often fear what we do not know in the colonized present, and as a residual we fear blackness both metaphorically & literally. The majority of African Indigenous Spiritual Practices are categorized as “witchcraft” through the western world gaze and demonized without attachment to any true crime except blackness. This is why most non-black Indigenous spiritual practices are commonly characterized as being peaceful, simply animist, “superstitious” and rooted in land stewardship BUT African Indigenous Spiritual Practices with similar principals of animism & land stewardship are characterized as immoral, evil, petty, untrustworthy, “witchcraft”. The term “witch” has become derogatory and is often used as a way to sever the trust we have in the spirit realm and shame people of the African Diaspora out of engaging in ancestral practices, practices we need to thrive!

So, Eye’m prompting folks to willingly turn off the lights! Journey to be comfortable in darkness. We travel through the darkness, through the unknown every time we create new beginnings, we face our fears and sculpt facets of our futures! Congruently, the term “BLACK WITCH” Attacks and Discredits Fear, Fear is a mind killer, we must face our fears and let them pass through us!

(A Little 2003 Dune Paraphrase for Fellow Sci-Fi Lovers!).

Learn More About the Wonder of The Spirit World Below!

Evidence of the Spirit World

Ex #1

Study of Spirit Mediumship. People who can communicate with spirits and other entities in the spirit realm(s).

Allan Kardec’s manuscript of questions and answers from spirits all around the world to prove the experience of spirit mediumship.

Ex #2

Proof of Magical Creatures! Dragon Sighting in Dallas Texas, USA.

Ex #3

Proof of Reincarnation. The Transfer of the Soul’s Existence from one human vessel to another

Young Child’s Recollection of a past life and the physical evidence to prove it.

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