Earth is Inherently Spiritual, Magical!

About Us

ForThaSoil is a spiritual hub that nurtures ethical, evolving & heart based political positions, as well as strengthens relationships to the spirit realm in efforts to guide BIPOC on our Individual & Collective journeys to lift our spiritual holds and eradicate the curses of oppression.

If you are here with questions or uncertainty about Spirit, Check out our ForTha Soil Spiritual Lifestyle and Archive pages to browse resources that will leave you affirmed that spirit exists, nourished in your own spirit & comforted within said spiritual existence! The Spirit Realm has immense power to positively impact our inherently spiritual experience on this physical plane.   
There are many things that exist in front of our eyes that science can’t explain, as well as wondrous things it can! Lack of scientific explanation does not provide evidence for fantasy nor illusion BUT proof that earth is inherently spiritual. Humans on this plane will never truly be all-knowing and that reality in itself is spiritual. 

Informer: All images used on This Home Page are natural occurrences and/or ancient man-made phenomenon that modern day science cannot explain.

What We Do

Soul Purpose

For Tha Soil’s Soul purpose is to evolve the emotional and spiritual depth of the human race; Ultimately for the growth of shared kindness, human interaction, interacts w. other creatures of the earth, the plants & Tha Soil that holds us all. The leading offering of For Tha Soil is Emotional Support & Spiritual Discipline Teachings through the lens of Spiritual Therapy Sessions.

Spiritually is a tool used to interact with the world and navigate with intent, not a tool used to escape or deflect from reality. When we lead with compassion, use spirit as a moral compass, are patient with ourselves & others, vigilant about reoccurring themes & symbols in our lives, tend to our spiritual debts and truly value the greater good We Add To The Collective Healing of The Human Race.

What We Believe

Al Naslaa Rock Formation
Location: Tayma, Saudi Arabia

Political & Spiritual Awareness

We believe that increased political and spiritual awareness combined can catapult human consciousness mentally, spiritually and physically. Learning the ways structures & systems of the westernized world continuously disillusion, gaslight, misinform and traumatized us in attempts to separate humans from vast socio-physical expansion, helps to heal the parts of us that are wounded, clouding our judgment and/or positive spirit connections. Through our necessary collective spiritual and political growth we strengthen our abilities to extend compassion, understanding & respect to one another as well as our ability to advocate, cultivate, create and care for ourselves. We also gain capacity for mental discipline, discernment and emotional expansion which contributes to both positive frequencies in grand galaxy, and love frequencies on planet Earth.

What We Uplift

Walking Rocks

Location: Racetrack Playa, California

Africana Healing:

Innate Agrarian Artistry, The Acceptance Joy & Wonder

In Womanism as Agrarianism: Black Women Healing Through Innate Agrarian Artistry, Baxter et al. (2017) Describes Innate agrarian artistry as “the womanist praxis of using deep-rooted knowledge as a creatively healing, ancestrally honoring, and community self-determining act of land-based resistance.” Innate agrarian artistry “simultaneously preserves the people and soil.” It is an inherently womanist in it’s nature as Womanism and land-based resistance counter erasure (1).

At the intersection of Innate agrarian artistry, The Acceptance of Joy & The Acceptance of Wonder lives a place where we allow ourselves to be free, first through the mind and then conjunctly within our relationship to nature, the land that holds our communities, the food that nourishes us, and the way we nourish one another. In this intersection there are endless possibilities for structures of community care! At ForthaSoil We Nurture our innate agrarian artistry, Accept Joy, and Welcome Wonder!


1. Baxter, K. M., Tyler, S., Cooper, D., & Fraser, A. (2017). Womanism as Agrarianism: Black Women Healing Through Innate Agrarian Artistry. Williams, J.M., Holt-Giménez, E, Land justice: Re-imagining land, food, and the Commons in the United States. Food First Books/Institute for Food and Development Policy.

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